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“Recovery is not one and done. It is a lifelong journey that takes place one day, one step at a time.”

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
National Disability Insurance Scheme

Person Centred Services provides Psychosocial Recovery Coaching to support participants with psychosocial disabilities to live a full and hope-filled life. Our Recovery coaching is Trauma-Informed and based on the individual needs of our clients.


Recovery coaches support participants to take more control of their lives and to better manage the complex challenges of day-to-day living and will work collaboratively with you, your family, carers and other services to design, plan and implement a recovery plan, and assist with the coordination of your NDIS and other supports. 


To see more details about how Person Centred Services can provide Mental Health Psychosocial Recovery Coaching, CLICK HERE to download a service description, or use the Contact Us page and we'll get in touch soon.

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