NDIS Support Coordination
“It's not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.”
(Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild)
Support Coordination
National Disability Insurance Scheme
When a person's NDIS application is approved, funds are allocated within their plan to assist them to achieve their goals. Knowing the types of supports that are available, and who to go to for support can be difficult though, and that's where a Support Coordinator can assist.
A Support Coordinator, as the name suggests, is a person who has knowledge of the different types of available supports and options, and who can assist NDIS participants to identify supports which align to their unique goals, needs and preferences.
To see more details about how Person Centred Services can help you with Coordinating your services and Supports, CLICK HERE to download a service description, or use the Contact Us page and we'll get in touch soon.
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